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Taiko workshops in Toronto


Beginners Adult (12+) 

Workshops Saturdays

@ Nae Studio

Look for posted dates! 

Beginners Adult 12yo+ $20 to register

Athletic or loose clothing required

Please fill out the registration form and contact Kokichi for details.

Lectures and Workshops





Teaching taiko to kids in Toronto
Teaching taiko to adults in Toronto
WS Green image.jpg

December 14, 2019

1:30pm ~ 3:00pm

January 4, 2019

1:30pm ~ 3:00pm

Online Course Application Form
Please answer the following

Admission fee for this course is $20. Payment may be made electronically via e-transfer or cash, please complete this form and the Director will contact you to provide payment details. Space is limited and registration is first come first serve.

Thanks for submitting!

Taiko and Japanese music in Toronto
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