For all new updates on The Nae Project and Kokichi, head over to my new website at www.naeproject.ca

Tetsuya Kudaka as the Shugoshin in Kokichi's feature production: Nae - the rice seedling, 2023

World premiere: Nae - the rice seedling, May 5-7, 2023 at Toronto's Harbourfront Centre Theatre.

Kokichi and Ryoko Itabashi at the Embassy of Japan 2015

Tetsuya Kudaka as the Shugoshin in Kokichi's feature production: Nae - the rice seedling, 2023
Kokichi is a creator, writer and composer, as well as director and musician performer of traditions of Japanese music and theatre art.
He is Artistic Director of The NAE Project, a collective of musicians and performance artists based in Toronto, ON.

Melodie Du Ly, Administrative Manager - Chotto Matte
Minh Vu, Marketting Coordinator - Kinka Family
「パフォーマンスは素晴らしかった… 幸吉さんのチームは時間通りに到着し、公演に向けてすべての準備を整えました。 彼はまた、観客と非常に交流的で、
Nancy Kwon, Head of Communications & Marketting - CFIG
「苗プロジェクトは、私たちのイベントのオープニングで数年間にわたって使用させて完全なプロフェッショナルです。 彼らの太鼓の演奏は私たちのイベントを大いに盛り上げてくれました。」